Temerance's Trial by Halle Bridgeman

Temperance's Trial is the first book in Hallee's new Virtues and Valor series based on WWII efforts. In the beginning it starts off with Marie and her brother fleeing the Nazis and then it fast forwards to Her learning to be a wireless radio operator. She and the other "operatives" are from different backgrounds but come together to pray. Marie is finally called upon to put her training into action when the last wireless radio operative s captured. I don't want to give a way too much but the ending was shocking! I saw it coming but then again I didn't see it coming. Marie codename was Temperance.

I read this book from start to finish not wanting to put it down!! This novella, like her other books, will want you wanting more! I can't wait to read the other novellas in this series!!

**I was given this book by the Author for an HONEST review



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