My Montana Love: Interview with Gayle M. Irwin

I had the privilege of getting to know Author Gayle M. Irwin as part of Christian Book Academy created by Shelley and CJ Hitz. We were matched as accountability partners. We meet via zoom every 2 weeks or so. Gayle M. Irwin is an award-winning author and freelance writer, being recognized by Wyoming Writers, Inc., and the Wyoming Press Association for several of her works. Gayle is currently re-releasing one of her Pet Rescue Romance stories, My Montana Love.

I was able to interview Gayle about her re-released book My Montana Love found below.

Litany: Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Gayle: I’ve been a writer for more than 30 years, working as a reporter and editor for various newspapers as well as a freelance writer. I became an author in 2007 with the publication of my first book, Sage’s Big Adventure: Living With Blindness. It’s the story of my springer spaniel and her journey as a blind dog, a chapter book for kids (although adults enjoy it as well!) encouraging them to face difficulties and adversity with confidence, faith, and courage, just like my dog, Sage. I’m also a contributing writer to eight Chicken of the Soul books, including the January 2023 release titled Chicken Soup for the Soul: Lessons Learned From My Dog. I’m honored to be part of that wonderful collection of books! In addition to the children’s books I’ve authored, I’ve also written Christian devotions and a collection of sweet, contemporary, later-in-life romance stories called The Pet Rescue Romance series; I weave pet rescue and adoption into each story.

Litany: How did you know you wanted to be a writer, have you always had the desire or did it come later?

Gayle: I began writing as a teenager, so there’s always been a part of me who enjoyed writing. Attending college, I majored in journalism and communications, and as a reporter I wrote many stories. So, I guess there’s always been a part of me that knew writing was a gift and a passion. I recently retired from my day job to focus on writing, and I plan to create my books and freelance articles to various publications.

Litany: What is the title of your book?

Gayle: I’m re-releasing one of my Pet Rescue Romance stories, My Montana Love. I’ve added a prologue, a new character, and some other elements to heighten the drama. The book re-releases January 20th, and I’ve reduced the Kindle price to just .99 cents. The special price promotion continues until February 15th to include Valentine’s Day. It is a love story, after all!

Litany: What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Gayle: Previously, it was time. Working during the day and trying to write a book is difficult, I think, because so many distractions and interruptions can occur. Now that I’ve retired and my entire focus (work-wise) is writing, it’s easier for me to schedule time. Although sometimes balancing the creative writing of a book and the freelance writing for newspapers and magazines can be difficult. I do carve out time to focus on book authorship, however, if not every day, every other day. Marketing my books, as well as my freelance endeavors, also cuts into writing time. Finding one’s ‘groove,’ so-to-speak, is a necessity.

Litany: How did you come up with the characters for your book?

Gayle: The original characters for my first romance book, Rescue Road, were easy to come up with. Rhiann, the primary female character, is lightly based on me. She’s an animal rescue advocate and so am I. She’s a freelance writer; so am I. She has a passion for pet adoption; so do I. She lives in Montana; I did, too. The primary male character, Levi, is fictional. He’s an EMT; I never dated, nor married, an EMT. He’s loosely based on men I’ve known, like a combination of their characteristics. Rhiann and Levi are also the primary characters in the re-release of My Montana Love; it’s their story continued after Rescue Road. Also, I watch a lot of Hallmark movies and read a lot of romance books, therefore, I’ve learned to create romantic characters from all that “research!”

Litany: What was your favorite part of writing this book?

Gayle: I enjoyed envisioning what Levi and Rhiann would be like five years later (the time spanned between the ending of Rescue Road and the start of My Montana Love). What happened during those five years? How did their community and friends change? What might they keep secret from each other? Would their love still be strong, or could it go up in smoke, so to speak? Relationships change, people change, so I wanted to write a story about these characters and those around them several years later and weave in changes in their lives.

Litany: What would you like readers to take out of reading your book?

Gayle: The importance of relationships, not only between husband and wife, but friends and community, as well as the importance of a relationship between humans and animals. There are many animals in this book, as is the case with each book in the series, and I highlight the importance of pet rescue and adoption, which, as mentioned, is a passion of mine. I want readers to not only enjoy the book for entertainment, but to come to understand people play an important role in the lives of animals as well as the lives of other humans. Rescue and adoption save lives, and we can all do something to help animals in need of homes.

Litany: How can readers find your book?

Gayle: Here is a universal link to the major online stores, like Amazon and Barnes & Noble: The book is available in e-book format and print through several retailers. People can also learn about my other books through my Amazon author page, which I’ve provided below.

Litany: Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?

Gayle: I’m working on more books for this series, and I have a Christian contemporary romance book in the works with a similar pet rescue and adoption theme. I’m also working on a story to contribute to a romance anthology; the sales will benefit a charity organization (an author friend invited me to be a contributor, and I’m honored!). As mentioned, the Chicken Soup for the Soul book releases in late January, and I plan to do so some events surrounding that book’s release. I also plan to write another children’s dog book based on the springer spaniel my husband and I adopted three years ago. Plus, I have some freelance assignments this winter, and I’m helping with two writers’ conferences, and I’m taking some virtual writing classes. So, I have a lot of irons in the fire, as they say! I love it all, and I’m thankful!

Litany: How can readers find you on the web?

Gayle: My website is

My author Facebook page is

My Amazon Author page is

I’m planning to be more visible on Pinterest and Instagram later this year, too.

Litany: Do you have any final thoughts for us?

Gayle: Writing is a joy! It’s also very challenging. I’m looking forward to this season of my life as I create and publish more stories and books. There’s so much to learn and so much to share. I miss my former colleagues, but I am very excited to fully embrace a writing career!

Thank you to Gayle Irwin for allowing me to interview you. 


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